Monday, March 11, 2013

Pray for Croatia

Week of March 11-17, 2013

Two things I want to return to that we had prayed about three years ago; March 8, 2010. First is music, entertainment or Christian Media for Croatia.

Three years ago we prayed: >As radio and television stations in Croatia seek out content to fill their air time there is opportunity for gospel programming. Lord, we ask for the release of creativity to produce broadcast that reach the populace right where they are at. Not religious but spiritually alive with relevant content that speaks to the hearts of the people.<

While my wife and I were in Croatia in January we met a man who is producing, promoting and broadcasting Christian music. I let him know he was an answer to prayer.

1.    Let us pray for Andre. May the Lord’s hand of protection, creativity and discernment be upon him. Open the Croatian doors of media to him. May he have the financial means to do what You, Lord have put it his heart.
2.    Let us pray for the promotion of Christian media in Croatia. (Quality, professional Christian music going forth)
3.    Let us pray for open doors to radio, TV and video streaming stations. May they hear the sound of Heaven and be drawn unto it.
4.    Let us pray for professional recording studios, to be run by Christians and open to Christian artist.
5.    Let us pray that parents, fans and churches would encourage Christian artist.
6.    Lord, speak to those artist, let them hear the sounds of Heaven. May Croatian flavored Christian music come forth.

Second: The Children and Youth Camps that are held in the summer.

7.    The Croatian churches are good about ministering to children. As leaders are planning their summer programs may they devise ways to reach out to the un-churched children in the cities and villages.
8.    Lord, even now put it into the hearts of Christians to set aside time to work in these camps. Give them a special love for the youth. May they remember the camps they went to and how they were blessed. Many Croatian Christians now adults, accepted Jesus in these camps.
9.    Let us pray for an excitement among the youth to attend these camps. Many children look forward to the summer camps; this year Lord, pour out your Spirit like never before.
10.    We pray that there would be money for every child that wants or needs to go to camp this summer.

Here is a story of a lady who grew up in Croatia, became a pop music star, became dissatisfied with life, moved to New York City, and then found Jesus.
Her website and video:

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