Monday, July 04, 2011

Pray for Bulgaria

Not to judge the Orthodox Church, but even before Communist, their ritual practices had caused emptiness in Bulgarian hearts. Of all the Balkan countries, Bulgaria is responding more and more to the Gospel. The evangelical churches have the answers for empty Bulgarian hearts. It is positive to even see a great percent of parents favoring religious teaching in the public schools.

1) First of all let us thank the Lord, for many Bulgarians coming to Jesus. Lord, Give them teachers that are anointed to expound upon the uncompromising Word.

2) Let us pray for true transformation in the Bulgarian culture. May the thread of the Christian worldview run through all Bulgarian institutions.

3) Let us pray for teachers in the public schools to teach scripture in the religion classes and not church dogma.

4) In praying for transformation, let us pray for the Orthodox church. If only they would seek the power and freedom Jesus desires us to walk in.

5) Let us pray for the Evangelical churches. Pray that they would be a light upon a hill shining God’s love out to the Bulgarian people.

Isaiah 55:12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

6) Let us pray for abundant joy in the Bulgarian Christians. A joy that overflows to their families, friends, work place and in the market place. Lord, show them how You desire to walk with them daily wherever they go. May they be known as the people of joy.

7) It is summer time and many churches are having summer camps for the children. Lord, we pray that You would visit these camps and set Your seal upon their lives. Set apart many to be the future generation that serves You. May they decide to follow the Lord with all their hearts.

8) Let us pray for workers for the camps. May they have the Lord’s heart and compassion for the children. May the Lord’s grace be poured out on these workers also.

9) Lord, we pray that all the money needed for these camps would be made available. Open the windows of heaven so all needs can be met. Lord, You do promise to bless those that give.

Suggested Ministry Link: New Hope Bulgaria

Thanks, for Praying - Bulgaria will be blessed.

Please leave a Comment or Reaction so we will know you prayed!

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