Monday, November 05, 2012

Pray for Bosnia Herzegovina

Week of Nov. 5-11, 2012

I just got through watching a video that someone took while walking through the markets of Sarajevo. You can watch it if you want. Here is the link, It is boring if you are not listening to the Spirit. All the shops’ doors were open with items neatly laid out on tables in front to tempt passersby; every once in awhile you could see elderly women begging. Most of the people’s faces were empty or sad, maybe tired. As I watched I kept thinking, why not a Christian coffee house or at least Christians on the streets passing out tracts, bottles of water or singing and sharing Jesus.

1)    Where ever this marketplace is in Sarajevo, Lord, send someone, send many to tell the good news.
2)    Let us pray for street evangelist to go to the marketplaces of Bosnia.
3)    Lord, we ask for a church in Bosnia Herzegovina that will have a burden for these marketplaces.
4)    Let us pray for finances and provisions for these street evangelist to go to the streets of Bosnia.

5)    Bosnia Herzegovina has about 4 million people and there are less than 1,000 evangelical believers. Oh, Lord we pray for labors. We ask You, Lord, send many.

6)    Let us pray for intercessors that will burn for Bosnia. Lord, help me to be serious in my intentions to pray for this very needy land.

7)    Let us pray for the Christians in B-H. May the Lord hold them in the faith and encourage their hearts. Lord, we ask for Your presence to be in their small gatherings.
8)    Lord, send missionaries into Bosnia Herzegovina. Give them a strategy to plant churches throughout the country. Break their hearts for this unevangelized land. Help them to learn the language.
9)    There are different levels of missionaries; Let us pray for those that will renounce their present life and its comforts to truly go live with the people.
10)    Lord, we pray that finances would be raised for the churches in B-H and the pastors and elders would know how to properly apply these monies toward the kingdom.

Think on this: Hidden Valleys turn Shepherds to Kings. 

Prayer Request: From Nesa and Goca, Belgrade, Serbia
[Concerning a couple in Podgorica, Montenegro, I do not have the liberty to give their names at this time, but let us Pray] They want to start ministry to married couples in Montenegro. In the best hotel in Podgorica, they organize promotion of marriage and family values, and we are the speakers. At this conference will be some of very important people, political leaders, journalist, professors of various university, minister of police, people from UNICEF and probably president of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic. We will have interviews on several television [stations]. In this country they do not have any martial counseling center.

Please leave a Comment or Reaction so we will know you Prayed.

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