Pray for the Gypsies of the Balkans
Picture> A Roma woman who has just arrived at the airport in Bucharest, Romania, receives a CD containing Christian music and the Gospel message from a Roma believer. France recently deported the young mother and her family, along with thousands of other Roma, in attempt to rid the country of Gypsies. Several Christians were on hand at the airport to offer transportation and help the new arrivals connect with family members. Photo Terms of Use
The Roma are a distinct people group with a common language and history. Often referred to as Gypsies, the Roma are the largest minority group in Europe, with a population of 7-15 million. Numbers are difficult to determine because the Roma are not usually counted in census statistics since their nomadic history and wartime persecution forced them to move without many of their documents. They continue to be persecuted today and suffer from gross unemployment, discrimination and limited access to education and health care. However, the Roma have a zeal for life and a strong commitment to family. In recent years, they have put down roots and usually live in small communities. They speak the national language of their country as well as various Romany dialects. The Roma are one of the most receptive people to the Gospel in Europe. Having seen the effects of sin, abuse, family dysfunction and violence, they are ready to consider other alternatives.
We thank the Lord for the Baptist and their outreach to the Roma people in the Balkans. http://www.romaministries.com/
1) Lord, we pray for the Gypsies that are being deported from France and other countries. http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=34307
a. Let us pray that other churches will follow the Baptist in meeting the Roma people at their greatest point of need as they return to their countries of origin. b. Lord, we pray that they not only resettle into a peaceful situation but also accept You and see peace settle in their lives.
c. Oh. Lord, You have put it in the hearts of Baptist believers to take the Gospel to the Roma. Let us ask for more open doors and join in rejoicing over the fruits of their efforts.
There are reports from the Balkans that many gypsies are getting saved. Let us Pray:
2) Lord we thank You for bringing many gypsies to salvation. Truly Lord, You desire that none perish. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 (New International Version)
3) Lord, we ask for your direction for the gypsies. Do they become part of established churches or do they gravitate to their own culturally distinct churches. Maybe both, Lord, let not others try to push them one way or the other.
4) Let us rejoice in the beneficial things built into their culture that can be of redemptive value. Tight family units, tribal, honor given to patriarchal leadership, and culturally connected throughout every country.
a. Lord, let not materialism and individualism pull families apart. May they stay true to their family connections.
b. Tribal can be good because if one gets saved many time others easily follow. Lord, we ask for deep and true conversions and not just religious acts to satisfy others.
c. Lord, we ask that You speak directly to family and tribal patriarchs. Because of the respect afforded him many in the family will come to faith in You. Lord, send your word from family to family and from nation to nation. Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, Your God reigns!
5) With many gypsies coming to know Jesus in the past few years, and many churches springing up, there is a need for scriptural teaching and the operation of the five-fold ministry. Lord raise up more Bible schools throughout the Balkans for the gypsy converts. May the present schools embrace the gypsies in their countries.
6) There are many Gypsy churches outside of the Balkans that are mature in the faith; May they be senders of missionaries to the struggling Balkan churches.
7) Lord, we ask that You release finances for ministry to and through the Roma people.
For more information on the history and modern condition of Gypsies go to; http://lolodiklo.blogspot.com/2009/12/romani-cultural-route.html
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